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another way to blog.

Instead of open your lap top and blog, i have found a new way to blog.
hehehe, I found it after I finish sign up my apple Id.

I was seeking for good apps to install.
How to know it is a good apps ?
For me, I would see the rating of that apps.

I remember last time the " Blogger " in apps store wasnt good enough.
Because I tried it.and i deleted it. xD
Last week I reinstalled the blogger. It seems updated. Can easily upload picture.

The steps,
Blogger is located in Social Networking

Top free also gives us the useful and popular apps.. U can also find some costly apps sometimes.

  Blogger here is it ! see the rating ? 4.5/5 !
 The information is listed.
 Only 1.2 Mb. =)

 See ? how convenient is it.
 Besides of publishing a post, you wan also review ur blog.
 Manage your post  well.
   This is what I mention at above, Photos are easily upload. =)

Try it today ! : D

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