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leopard nails

 Since wednesday night , after i saw a pink leopard spec, i have totally fall in love with pink leopard.
Leopard always gives people a " wild" feeling, however when it mixed with pink , It looks cute !
I have a lil bit regret that I did not buy the spec, just bcoz it is -Hello Kitty' glasses.
The kitty spec seems to be famous now.

See the leopard one ! How nice ! the more i look at it , the more i feel regret. >.<

well, today I have coloured my nails with leopard style to replace the glasses .
see my fingersssssss ~
this is the first time I make it. I will do it nicer next time !

I realized making a leopard nails is very easy!
Here is some steps for those who wants to try it.
( Click the pictures below to see it clearly.)

Not so perfect but look not bad for the first time.
Practice make perfect ! =D

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