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My Cny

Happy Dragon Year everyone ! Gong xi fa chai!

Firstly, I wan to say
*sorry for not updating my blog* Almost every chinese bloggers got this sentence.
everyone is enjoying their Chinese new year Holidayssss..
Finally it's going to end soon. 1 more week to go.
And now Im home to blog coz most of my friends have class tmrw.
How sad.. ;(

I started enjoy my Cny from the eve.hahaha.. It breaks my records. My friends and I gather at someone's house at 1 am. Sooooooooooo early ! Because of the first day , the following days we gather at midnight also.
It must be a tiring Cny. Morning for relatives and Night for friends. Everyday back home at 4/5 am. Good girl gone bad. ;(

Parents were planning to have a fun trip. but i ruined their plans. First,I dont want go 3 days trip coz I want to enjoy the time with friends.You know, after this week holiday we gonna separate. I will be going back to Setapak when college reopen. They gonna start their studies as well. Second, Im fully support 1 day trip ! It can be 3 times of one day trip in a week ! Im okay. However They cancelled the trip because Coz I went to my friends house everyday.  The fact is I was waiting them to tell me when is the trips.

At the end, I have decided to make my Sunday free so that I have time to accompany family. I suggested to go to Malacca. I thought they know what I think, I want to go A famosa water park for sure. Coz we dont need to line up and waste time just to play soemthing. Too bad, they didnt wake me up in the morning. We started to go at 1 something. not worth if go to water park. Finally, we go Malacca just for a walk.

Lastly, I really want to say sorry to my family. I ruined their plans because of my selfishness.
But they didnt angry with me.
I appreciate the moment we together. Money cant buy happiness.
thankyou for tolerant .

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