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everything is going to cancel.

Was planing to go to Time square with college friends.
It's unfortunately that my friend is still having fever. 39.2 . She told me this morning.
I have 'reported' to my mum the reason Im not going to Time Square.
She called me to ask my friend go and check. Blood test.
Well, I did so.
My friend replied me , she says the doctor suspects she got dengue fever.
Just suspect.
I cant help anything.I never blame her.
Well, her mum is coming to KL.
Hope she gets well soon under her mother cares.
Good luck.

I dont want to hear any bad news. =(

Another thing is my sunway lagoon trip.
Has been discussed with my Co-cu members about the day .
It's like ready to go.
How I know, Someone says that day she having exam from 2 - 4 pm
Very disappointed . I thought they have been discussed the date ?
Now we gotta re-discuss again ?
Oh my ...-.-
I got no mood to go anymore.

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