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Im officially enjoying my holidays !!

But, who gonna celebrate with me.. >.<
My holiday is just started  but my most of my friends' college reopen.

okay, what to do during holliday ?
I always give myself some tasks.

Go genting / Go sunway
My gym members are planing to have a gathering . Either go genting or sunway. I have suggested sunway coz can have fun together ~! However, some of them still insist to go genting . Wanna play themes park ? Or enjoying the spring breeze ? I dont know . : 3

Go gamble !
This is what we must do during Chinese new year ! to earn some pocket money .. heheh.. I have to find the Poker application from facebook, It has been lost for a long time. Poker is actually a fun game, you might lose many but you can win many if only if you DARE . I wanna remind my friend-plingchee. Remember to practice Mahjong and poker ahh...  nga bou ji mui is coming back  ! LOL.

Seafood ?
Another group of friends are planing to have a food trip at Tanjung sepat. I dont know whether they have counted me or not, coz I never reply the message. Im not sure I can go or not as well. Depends on how many pocket money left and I get a job this friday or not. Im stuck . @.@

Money controls my life .
Too bad I dont have guts to do internet business.

HAPPY HOLIDAY  to myself.

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