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My recently.

It has been a long time i did not update my blog.
Sorry about that, my college started and Im busy with my assignments.

Im gonna have my holidays after 4 weeks. very soon !
and then Im gonna enjoy my holiday with part time jobs...
Planned to get jobs every weekend but failed.
You know what ?
Although it is a short sem which is only 7 weeks.
2 subjects only but each subjects we got 4 assignments.
same as the long sem,4 assignments gonna hand in within 7 weeks.

What I learning is wet media and typography.
I guess you all know what is wet media. Water colour.
I very hate to use water colour coz my skill not good.
I cant mix the colours well, I cant paint it nicely and Im lazy to wash the brushes and painting plate.
But this Wet media makes me interested with it.
because we dont need to paint it very details and can paint like as messy as you can !!

 Blind drawing.
I dont wish to draw my friend like this ugly. but i just cant control.
Blind drawing is your eyes must observe the object meanwhile your hand is drawing on paper.
cannot look at what you have draw, even once.

This is much more better,Contour drawing.
You can look at the paper now. but you cannot think or imagine the object you are drawing.
Look and draw without think. and it's all draw by only one line.

Haha ! here is it. that why I say I started to fall in love with wet media.

Next, typography is like.............. the picture you make by combine the simbol and alphabets.
I really think the lecturer is crazy .
She wants us to trace the image out after we done in computer.
All hand draw! must be all same in size . cannot have a lil dirt also.
It drives me crazy.

Well, it's only the first assignment and exercise.
Im so excited when I heard my friend says about the holidays.
It's gonna start from 26th march !
Claps claps **

Okay, Im must stop onlining and start my homeworks now.
Lastly, share with you a video which lecturer showed to us yesterday.

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