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insta oh insta

you know right. my phone is officially dead. I dint touch my iphone for 2 weeks already. Currently using Nokia Lumia phone to replace it. It's not my idea phone of course. I realized a lot of applications do support IOS and ANDROID but not Windows phone.  I dont know why nobody wants to create the apps for windows phone. Most Importantly, Instagram does not support Windows phone. It is the app which I play the most ! I've been searched thru google about where to download and what's the name and blah blah.... for download instagram into my phone. But, Failed. Many results showed me the Fake instagram app. Shit.

I was desperated coz I thought I will not be able to upload photos even see following's photos. I get used to open this app every hour. Fortunately, I got my ipod touch which belongs to my sister now. No choice, I have to send my self-shot to ipod then only upload to instagram. And then ask my sister to borrow me ipod to view ppl photos. What a troblesome job !

It's ok . Im gonna share with you guys about the second choice to make your instagram active without smartphone . You know Bluestacks? I have downloaded it since last time my phone spoiled. It is like a small tablet software. I think it is running Android yea....not sure. You can download whatever smartphone apps. Very convenient but it probably respond slower . I downloaded some apps into bluestacks like whatsapp, facebook, twitter and instagram ! All the apps in bluestacks function 100% same as your phone apps! You can also upload your photo by using bluestacks .
Official Website here >>

The another way to access instagram is go to the page. Many of you may think the official website of instagram is the only way. But that website do not support some functions like Search, Popular, Liked, Photo of the day blah blah.... It just looks good to view following photos and your own photos. So here is the website which provide you a better pc instagram.

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